Who Makes Oscar Pistorius "The Blade Runner" Blades ?

By now you have certainly heard about Oscar Pistorius otherwise known as "The Blade Runner". If not, have a look at the video below:


During the August 2012 Olypics in London, Oscar Pistorius became the first double leg amputee ever to participate in the Olympic Games. While he did qualify for the semifinal of the Olympic 400 meters, unfortunately, he did not make the final. However, Oscar Pistorius will compete on Thursday 9 August as part of South Africa’s 4x400 relay team. 

But if you are wondering who makes Oscar Pistorius' prosthetic running feet, those "blades" which give him the name "blade runner", have a look at the Cheetah from Ossur. In fact it is the same prosthetic foot used by Marlon Shirley and April Holmes. There was controversy concerning those blades which initially kept Pistorius from competing in the Olympics. But Ossur made a very strong statement showing that these blades do not give the South African athlete an unfair advantage.
