A Vote For The Specials Is a Vote Against Disablism

Tomorrow is the LAST day to vote for "The Specials" for a Webby Award.
Why is important for you to vote for "The Specials" for a Webby Award?

Think about how under-represented disability programs are in the media.
Think about how few REAL people with disabilities you see in Film and TV.

If "The Specials" win a Webby Award and beat out all other non-disability programming, it will show the media execs that there IS an interest in disability programing.

Why is that important? I believe that the more that that society is exposed to the reality of disability, the less disablism there will be. The more society see people with disability as just PEOPLE the better acceptance there will be. I strongly believe that with more disability programming (Paralympics, programs devoted to people with disabilities, people with disabilities featured in regular programing, etc), people with disabilities will be better accepted. This has certainly been the case with other minority groups.

Please support The Specials in their effort to win a Webby Award.


First: Register to create an account.

Second: Click Reality, scroll to the bottom and vote
