Gift Ideas For An Active Wheelchair User

Are you gift shopping for an active wheelchair user? Someone who is in a wheelchair, but otherwise healthy, active and on the go? Would you like to find a gift which would enhance their active lifestyle? Here are a few gift ideas: * Wheelchair Gloves are an excellent gift idea for a wheelchair user who leads an active lifestyle. Wheelchair gloves not only improve grip on the pushrim, they help to protect the hands from damage and possible injury. * Wheelchair Umbrella: What does a wheelchair user do when it rains? They get wet, usually. While able bodied people carry an umbrella, active wheelchair users must use their hands to push the wheelchair. So, what is the alternative? The Brella Buddy Hands Free Umbrella Holder allows the wheelchair user to wear the umbrella on their body. The Square A Sol Umbrella works nicely with the Brella Buddy, because it is collapsible, easily stowed in the Brella Buddy and has an extra-long stem. * If your wheelchair user is out and about all day and all night, consider a gift of visibility. wUnderGlow Wheelchair Light and Wheels On Fire Wheelchair Reflectors help to make the wheelchair more visible at night. Still looking for gifts for your wheelchair user? Consider these wheelchair gift ideas.
