Sarah from Sweden bought a pair in January 2021. Her reason for wanting our pushrim covers? “I have almost burned my self in the summer and in the winter gotten very cold. I use gloves out but then you come in to a store and take off your gloves and feel how cold and wet the push rims are! Horrible!”
Sarah bought a pair of yellow RehaDesign UltraGrrrip Pushrim Covers to replace her orange covers. We asked her to do a review of her RehaDesign Pushrim covers and she agreed. We think they look beautiful with her matching spoke covers.
Thank you Sarah! Click to see more about RehaDesign Pushrim Covers
Sarah also contacted us to suggest a new product idea and volunteered to be a tester. Many of our best products were suggested by customers and we love getting product suggestions. We LOVED her idea and are now working on developing it. Of course she will help us to test it to make sure it meets the high quality we demand for RehaDesign Products. What does Sarah get? She will be the first to try the new product if it comes to the market. And we also give her her choice of any RehaDesign Wheelchair Accessories from our website at Do you have an idea for a new wheelchair accessory? Would you like to be a product tester? Visit our Facebook page and contact us. We would love to hear from you.
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