New Mobility is the US Magazine owned by United Spinal, a not-for profit " dedicated to empowering people with disabilities".
A few months ago, they requested that we send them some of our gloves to for testing purposes. We sent them UltraGrrip Half Finger wheelchair gloves, Strap N Roll and Gator Gloves. Why these gloves? Their writer Seth McBride is a Quadriplegic. So, we sent him two of our Quad gloves (Strap N Roll and Gator)
Our Quad Gloves are made to be easy on/ easy off and to give a lot of push power for Quads. But of course, if you are a Quad and don't need gloves to be put on easily, then UltraGrrip Half Fingers are amazing. What does this mean for people without hand mobility issues? UltraGrrrip are perfect for you!
The part that we liked best was this:
"The biggest benefit to these gloves is that they performed way better than expected in the rain, especially during braking. My other glove options become useless when my pushrims are soaked, but the Ultra-Grrrips managed to provide me with some stopping power, even when navigating a steep downhill in a downpour."
Read the entire review at the NewMobility Website. See more about RehaDesign Gloves ,
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