The 10 Rehab Centers Testing eLEGS Exoskeleton For Wheelchair Users

Berkeley Bionics has announced the names of the US Rehab Centers involved in the clinical trials of eLEGS exoskeleton for wheelchair users.

•Craig Hospital, Englewood, CO
•Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Network, Allentown, PA
•Kessler Foundation, West Orange, NJ
•Mount Sinai Medical Center, NY, NY
•RIM Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan, Detroit, MI
•Rehabilitation Hospital of the Pacific, Honolulu, Hawaii
•Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, San Jose, CA
•Shepherd Center, Atlanta, Georgia
•Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, Boston, MA
•TIRR Memorial Hermann, Houston, TX

It is interesting to see the how the clinics are geographically spread with 4 centers on the east coast, 2 in the south, 2 in the center, 1 on the west coast of the USA. In addition to geographical distribution as probable selection criteria, the CEO of Berkeley Bionics mentioned the status of the centers:

Five of the charter centers are among the top ten in the country, as ranked by US News' seminal annual report," explained Eythor Bender, CEO of Berkeley Bionics. "Other prestigious rankings come from the Spinal Cord Injury Model System Center, and of course, the NeuroRecovery Network (NRN) Center, funded by the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation," he added.

It is well known that Moss Rehab of Elkins Park, PA was the center that conducted clinical trials for Argo Medical's ReWalk Exoskeleton. Thus the most experience with robotic exoskeletons for wheelchair users is currently on the east coast of the USA.

Read more about eLEGS exoskeleton for wheelchair users.
